Mr Ahmed Baker joined SATA in 2018 as Area Sales Manager for Africa, the Middle-East and several European countries. Ahmed is “new and motivated” and extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of creating the “perfect finish.” After graduating in Industrial Engineering in 2014, he began his career in Sales, and due to his multicultural and technical background, he competently fills the position.
Ahmed recently up-skilled the technical team at Bulldog Abrasives with invaluable training on the SATA range of products. This included knowledge on the
importance of air filtration systems and an in-depth introduction to the new
SATA X 5500 Spray Gun.
All bodyshops require compressed air for painting as well as other applications such as the operation of paint pressure tanks, material pumps, blowguns, cleaning devices and supplied-air respiratory systems. Often, when customers complain about a bad paint job the paint or the gun are blamed, yet it is the air they are using that is at fault. Compressed air is the primary source of energy for almost all SATA tools and devices, and it supplies and atomizes the material, removing all bacteria. Therefore, compressed air should be clean, dry, constant and sufficiently available. Due to this, SATA has done in-depth research into the purification of air and have the best solutions for car refinish and Industrial applications.
State-of-the-art paint systems and the latest application recommendations open new possibilities but also pose new challenges for professional painters. The SATAjet X5500 featuring the new X-nozzle system presents an entirely new application standard for the future. The concept of this nozzle system is straightforward and easy to understand: Both proven application technologies – HVLP and RP – are still available, but each of them now offers an additional option of either “I” for more controlled application, or “O” for faster application-nozzle settings, depending on the painter‘s preference. As the nozzle sizes increase within the respective technologies (HVLP / RP), the material flow rate also increases in constant increments – leaving the spray fan size and width unchanged across the nozzle spectrum. End-users now receive a transparent and consistent system which offers clear and well-structured application options. For more information on this revolutionary gun, scan the QR code below.

SATA sets the standard for paint spray guns, compressed air filters, and worker health protection. Their close co-operation with painters from various trades and industries as well as their research and development departments – consisting of application technicians from leading paint manufacturers, allow them to produce superior products of the highest quality. Contact our professional sales team to find out more about SATA’s range of innovative products, or to arrange a product demonstration by a member of our skilled technical team.